Sarajevo International Airport records continued air traffic growth

In reference to certain media appearances in the past couple of days, which do not reflect accurate situation regarding the successfulness and business results of Sarajevo International Airport, Supervisory Board and Management Board of PC Sarajevo International Airport ltd discussed the same at the session held on 20th February 2020. In the aim of informing the public accurately, firstly, we would like to say that SIA records continued air passenger growth and that comparative data according to all relevant analysis show that growth is one of the biggest in the region. In order to support this we provide statistical chart of the passenger growth in the last five years.

Year                         Passenger number
2015                            772.904
2016                            838.966
2017                            957.969
2018                          1.046.635
2019                          1.143.680

From the table above, passenger number increase of cc 48% is evident in the last five years, which is a statistic not many airports can boast about. Sarajevo International Airport handled 1.143.680 passengers in 2019 which is 9% more in comparison to 2018.

This growth is bigger than European average. Namely, according to Airports Council International (ACI) passenger air traffic through European airports increased for +3.2% in 2019.

According to statistical data of the same organization, Sarajevo International Airport belongs to a group of airports outside of European Union which record one of the biggest air traffic growths (9.3), which is bigger than the passenger growth of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (9.2%). Also, from the aspect of handled number of passengers (1.143.690) in reference to number of residents in an airport catchment area (estimation more than 400.000), it is evident that Sarajevo International Airport made quite outstanding results in 2019.

Continued growth of net profit is evident as well, which is visible from the table below

Year                                        Net profit

2015                                     9.399.895.99
2017                                  13.001.312.14
2018                                  13.983.346.00
Projection 2019                 16.346.692.09

Due to all that, two years ago, Sarajevo International Airport has launched the largest investment project in its history, Terminal B expansion project. Additional 10.000 m2 of the space will be ensured with this expansion, because Sarajevo International Airport has reached and exceeded the capacity level of the existing terminal (1 million passengers per year).
After completion of these works, efficacy will significantly increase and service provided to our business partners and beneficiaries will additionally improve. Everything that is being done is in the aim of service improvement, business promotion and making modern business environment all in accordance with global trends and latest technological achievements.

Modernization and Terminal B expansion, otherwise worth 30.000.000 BAM, represents the largest investment since the foundation of Sarajevo International Airport and is being funded exclusively from one’s own resources.
In the aim of further development, besides this investment, which is in progress, the airport plans the realization of extremely significant investments which are going to be realized in short-term, some of them being:
- Investments in land property - repurchase of land, in the aim of project realization of apron expansion, expansion of manoeuvring and runway areas, building of a fuel depot (the airport has realized significant land repurchase in a previous period for the mentioned investments and the completion of land repurchase for the same purposes is forthcoming.)

- Investments in facilities (passenger terminal, administrative business facility, i.e. facility for accommodation for OPC, personnel etc…)

- Airport investment infrastructure (apron expansion, new fuel depot construction, runway reconstruction, manoeuvring areas etc…)

- Equipment investment (equipment for ground handling of aircrafts, passengers, luggage, goods and mail; the equipment for physical and technical facilities’ protection, protection at work, ICT equipment etc…)

Therefore, with recorded passengers’ growth being more than 1.1. million in 2019, with more than 13.000 flight operations; namely with constant traffic growth increase, the arrival of new air-lines and with strong spread of ambitious developmental realization projects, Sarajevo International Airport significantly contributes to the growth of other economy branches in our country as well.

All above mentioned data show that Sarajevo International Airport is a respectable company, which will with strategic commitment, positive results and continuous service quality promotion enable the arrival of new air-lines, better and versatile service, all in accordance with European and global standards.